
You’ll find the different stories here for the Kongonauts #StoryTellingNFT


The Kongonauts are multidimensional technologically savvy gorillas trying to make their way in a world that just isn’t keen to see them prosper. This is a story of how they came to dig their underground lair, and the obstacles they encountered along the way.

Read Dig here 8 Episodes

Read Dig on Kindle Vella 8 Episodes

Sandy’s Interdimensional Research Log

Sandy is a post-doc researcher in a tiny lab run by an enigmatic professor who’s gone missing. Her job: to find proof of other dimensions in the metaverse. Looking into an anomaly during an NFT minting soon leads her to discover transdimensional cybernaut gorillas coming into our metaverse. Unfortunately, they are not alone… Together, Sandy and the Kongonauts must find a way to save our metaverse from an existential threat.

Read the blog here 10 Episodes Completed

Read it on Kindle Vella 10 Episodes Completed

Sandy's Intedimensional Research Log, a Kongonaut's story book cover